Good Morning to all the Fathers out there this fine Fathers day. Well its our day again and I truly hope each and everyone one of you have the type of day fitting for a King. You know I have found out over the years that Gods days should be our days and not Our days be Gods. But as I was sitting here pondering on this blog this day, I wonder and a lot my think I have lost the rest of my mind and maybe I have, but I wonder if Jesus ever turns to the Father in which he sits at the very right hand of and says on this Day, Happy Fathers day Dad. It was just a thought.
Today there will be millions saddened by the thoughts of Fathers that have gone on to be with Jesus. then again there will be Families that will gather with the Dads on this special day. There will in some cases be BBQ, Swimming, Some drinking, and just down right fun with DAD.There will be gifts handed out, hugs, and tears. There will visitations to cemeteries, flowers put out flags placed, just some of the things that Not only do People do on their Mothers days but this day also. It is a day, to give thanks for those Fathers here and those who have passed. To every dad I wish to You a very very Happy Fathers day.
Today I would Pray a Fathers day prayer, Not only for My Dad, Grandfather, His Dad or even the Step or half Fathers, But for all The Dads around the World who hold this day special . My prayer would be for all the Son's and Daughter's, Grand kids,that they would at least hug the neck of a Father weather it be their Father or Someones Else's. We have heard that Great old old song ( From the halls of Montezuma to the shore of Tripoli ). There are fathers in every walk of Life, Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, Fire Fighter, Police, Sheriffs, And Deputies, and all the in between. Yes they are Fathers,
And yes this is A
Dear Gracious Heavenly Father I call upon you this day Dad to look all around this great round planet earth that You Yourself set in motion.My prayer to you would be Father that you will look down upon every gathering this day and make it a great one for all. And not to sound negative Dad, Bless each and everyone of them, Because as we know that everyday of Man is numbered and there will be some that will not make it til the next gathering. Father I pray that if I have any Favor or Power, That I can call upon you, But it is only up to you Dad, That from the Boundaries of Iraq , to the mountain regions of Afghanistan. From one end to the other end of this earth That you let no death come to any Father on this day, But as I said Father I leave that in your hand. Father I pray that your will be done in the lives of All Men, Today, tomorrow and forever. For all the Dads fighting to keep this Country and other Countries safe watch over them and bring them home sooner than expected safe and in one peace. for those Jesus Who protect us from the evil this world offers protect them as they protect and serve. For all the Fathers with Kids that are Grown, let them be a joy to their Kids and Grand Kids , as Jesus is to you Heavenly Father. and as we begin to hand out the Cards and Gifts or what ever it may be Dear Father Please let it be done in the Name Of Jesus. And Dad, Father God, let this be a day of days that you will pour out your conviction Spirit upon every Dad this day and let them turn their Lives over to your to walk in your ways and statutes. Father You are the only Dad I have left, and the only Gift I can give you is me, Father. thank you so much for all the Gifts that you have given me. Three great kids of my own and extras, Amanda, Jessica, Matthew, Malissa, Misty, Todd, My First Born and dearest grand child >; Emmy,Liz, Abby,Lil Adam,Big Adam, Dakota, Kevin, DJ, Lil Matthew, Precious Logan, Randall, Lil Daniel, Lil miss glamorous Kaiti. Brad, Kamri, And Stoner aka Stoney. And for any other kid I should have out there which should be known that isn't mentioned. Becky , Tawana, and My dearest friend and her family Gracie. Thank you so much Father for all you have done for me again I say.
Shalom and Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem
Happy Father days all Especially YOU Father God.
Hey jessie! Belated happy father's day to you! Hope all is well! God bless you! :)