IIsaiah 55- verse 11 says pretty much those same words. 11- So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
John 14 13 &14- 13And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
Now as we get back to John 14- 13&14 there are Two words we need to look at closely.
#1 Is the word Whatsoever and
#2 Any thing
So when we went to look up the word Whatsoever it comes down to being the same word as Whatever. Which means Everything or anything . Any thing, Which means Any object, occurrence, or matter whatever.
So when we go back and read the Scripture we can rest assured that God or Christ can not lie. It's written right there in RED. As I was reading today I begin to wonder about something that I use to Preach about and I guess that's Why I am wondering now. If we were to go on and read a little further down in the next few verses you would see that Jesus said these things would happen, and If Jesus said it ,It is Gospel write it down and seal it on the tables of your heart. But see God neither His Son are Dummies either. Sure You see God gives us to the choice to Choose which path we take, It is His prerogative, to put certain stipulations on the matter. Yep whatsoever and anything.
The stipulations in which we are talking about, are ( Conditional ) Hey if he didn't we would think we could get away with anything. Get it, see we all can come boldly before the throne of Grace, We can with much Honor call upon the name of Jesus for whatsoever and anything and expect to receive of Him. Why because he said so. But that's if we keep his commandments. He will do anything and everything we ask of Him.If we live for him the best we can with much effort he sees our heart and knows it also. Why would he not. He created it. So if there is any thing what soever you want from God pray and it will be given to you. Weather it is His will , or the permissive will of God.
Remember one thing though, He know what you need even when you don't. So just remember John 14- 13&14 Ask any thing or whatsoever and you will He is faithful and just. I am
The stipulations are ,to live for Him and keep His commandments. Then whatsoever you ask, there shall not any thing be with held from thee.
Til next time
Shalom and Pray for the peace of Jerusalem
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