Brother and Sister, Friends Neighbors and children. I hope once again that God has blessed you all. There are so many song in the Christian world about. God being God oh and yes He is. a God that never changes. Once a God of Love always a God of Love. And a God with attitude, slow to anger but can be angered. yes that same God that lead Moses and the Israelites out of bondage, threw the red sea,and threw the wilderness. He is that same God. He changes not. We make mention of many songs of God. it is good to Know that He as well as his Son Jesus Christ are the same yesterday, today and for EVER.
Yes that same God that takes you to the top of the mountain is that same God the will bring us threw the valleys of our LIVES.Many times I have stood on the mountain top, and I have been threw the valleys just as much, I am learning once again to totally trust in him even more than I than I have already. As we speak to people about God it hurts to see people hurting. And it hurts me, but as God gives me the words to tell them. First you must repent, believe in Jesus and believe in his name, seek him and find him and he is faithful to His word to hear your prayers and desires. Friends and thats Bible. The same God high on the mountain is the same God in the valleys with you. Have faith and take heart that he will be there and see you through.
He is the one that said He would, this ain't jesseb's word that is Gods word and promise to all that trust and believe in Him. There ain't a mountain to high, a valley to low or a river to wide . that He can't take you over, through or around.
Shalom and pray for the peace of Jerusalem
till next time jesseb
Yes, He is the God of the green pastures, still waters and the valley of death.